The rarely seen new bird species, Sylvia curruca, is spotted on transit to Hua-Yua in Penghu
The rarely seen new bird species, Sylvia curruca, is spotted on transit to Hua-Yua in Penghu

The rarely seen new bird species, Sylvia curruca, is spotted on transit to Hua-Yua in Penghu

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Penghu is a relay stop along the migration route for east-Asian migratory birds. Huang Guo-yang, the dean of academic affairs at Hua-Yu Elementary School in Penghu, has recently discovered the rare "Sylvia curruca", which transited the area, perching on treetops, and becoming the 410th bird species on record in Penghu. Huang Guo-yang, who has served as a faculty member of the school for more than 30 years, recently conducted various surveys regarding migratory birds in Hua-Yu, and discovered the "Sylvia currua" by accident; a previously unknown bird species in Penghu. Birdwatchers are particularly pleased with the discovery. The new species stayed for about two weeks, and disappeared during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. There are fewer than five types of such bird found in Taiwan.
According to the literature, "Sylvia currua" is classed as of the Sylviidae genus, which is rather small in size at about 13 cm, and features characteristics such as a gray head, brown upper body, white throat, nearly all-white lower body, dark gray ear-feathers, a yellow breast and flanks, and green and white outer feathers and tail feathers. It is considered a relatively small bird in Taiwan.
Huang Guo-yang said that Penghu is a relay stop along the migration route for east-Asian migratory birds. In addition to the recently discovered "Sylvia currua" in Hua-Yu, other migratory birds such as the "Locustella fasciolata" have also been found on the island, adding to the list of other migratory birds found in the wider Penghu islands, jungles, and wetlands to rest for the winter, including the Anatidae, Platalea minor, Anser fabalis, and Sturnus vulgaris.

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