Indonesia to Provide Electricity to 433 Villages for a 100% Electrification Ratio
Indonesia to Provide Electricity to 433 Villages for a 100% Electrification Ratio

Indonesia to Provide Electricity to 433 Villages for a 100% Electrification Ratio

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The Indonesian government is expected to provide electricity to 433 villages in the four poorest provinces before the end of the year. The government expects to install the electric charging stations in each of the four provinces and distribute handheld Talis battery packs to villagers. The charging stations are mostly powered by renewable energy. The battery packs, which were jointly designed by five Indonesian universities, have a 15-year lifespan. They are similar to power banks except that they can light up a house.
Indonesia plans to achieve a 100 percent electrification ratio this year. Based on the statistics of the state-owned electricity firm, it achieved a 98.89 percent ratio last year. However, due to logistical hurdles, the schedule was delayed. The government said it will struggle to cover the last mile by the end of this year.
However, the energy watchdogs and politicians said that the 98.89 percent electrification ratio does not fully represent field conditions. Chairman of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (IRES) said that there are still people in rural areas who have electricity poles right in front of their houses but cannot afford to connect them to their homes.
Many villages do not enjoy 24-hour electricity, and many have low-powered electricity that is only sufficient enough to power light bulbs and charge mobile devices. Neither conditions are suitable for powering the electronics needed for productive economic activity.

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